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Jasper – July 12, 2018

The dark haired woman leaned across the aisle of the bus and said, “it’s gonna get real pretty now in the next ten minutes. This is nothin’ here but it’s gonna be really pretty soon.” She was right. We dropped down out of the foothills into a narrow heavily wooded valley and around a big bend. Steep-sided sharply rising mountains now dominated the land-scape. Heavy rock slabs jutted straight up out of the black spruce. Impressive. Rocky Mountain country. A glacier grey river snaked along the road-side and spread out into the bends as we continued on toward the town of Jasper. Snow appeared in the higher north-facing elevations.

We had started our day on an early flight out of Thunder Bay, Ontario to Edmonton, Alberta. From there we took a bus to Jasper. Brian and I are heading out on a bicycle journey from Jasper AB to Banf along the Icefield Parkway then getting on the Continental Divide Trail from there to Antelope Wells, NM. It is about a 3000 mile trip. We will be spending about 90 percent of our time on gravel roads and in remote areas. Mostly planning on camping along the way, we each have tents and all the gear for being self- sufficient during the 50 days or so of traveling. We have also mailed food re-supply packages to Post Offices along the way.

In the half-hour between the woman’s comment and getting to our destination, Brian saw a wolf and a big- horned sheep. I spotted a mountain goat and an elk. This should be one interesting ride.

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